It must be affirmed, however, that she is well more delayed of what that African, ‘ ‘ qui latinizzazione della Chiesa was solecita stata there molto certain Che verse finishes del there II sc. there language ufficiale della comunit was there Latin. For the argument that interests in them, beginning of the literary activity in this language can be presumption as the cause of the translation of the Greek of the Sacred Writing, or perhaps only of the NT. The diverse forms of the Latin Vetus: ‘ ‘ Latin the Vetus term is not mentioned to a complete translation only of the Bible, seno that assigns to the set of the previous translations to the Vulgata de Jernimo, this circulating Latin translation in Cartago since the year of 250, without if it knows documentation some certifying the existence of others in the remaining portion of the Christian world of expression latina’ ‘. Bibliographical references CATALBIANO, M. Litterarum Fire. Ambienti Culturali and Libri trai l IV and il V Secolo. In: Studia Epheremides Augustinianum 55, Rome, 1996.

CONSOLINO, F.E. Forms Letterarie nella Latin Pordozione di IV-V Secolo. In: Studi and Testi TardoAntichi 1, Rome: Herder, 2003. DORIVAL, G. et MUNICH. There the Bible Grecque DES Septante du Judasme Hellenistique au Christianisme Ancien, Cerf, Paris, 1988. Dos Santos, P.P. the tradition of Reading in Saint Augustin.