Sandholtz, Ringstaff, and Dwyer (1997, p.176) affirms that the benefits of the integration of the technology most are understood when the learning is not only one process of transference of facts of a person for another one, but when the objectives of the professor can emancipate the pupils as thinking and solucionadores of problems. In the current times, the called digital systems have gained each time more space between the technological innovations. Great part of the technological instruments of today involves digital systems, mainly in the case of the computers. 3.1As New Technologies of the Communication and the Information a new reality if discloses and the funny current guideline around a globalizado, tecnificado world and in constant transformation. In this direction, society lacks each time more than men and professionals who dominate the knowledge accumulated in its areas of specific ability, but that also they are capable to construct and to rescue a vision of the totality. The new technologies appear to compose this scene so that the expansion of the limits of the paradigms can occur so that ' ' novo' ' it occupies its space. In Morin (1986), the complexity is identified by the multiplicity, interlacement and continuum interaction.

The author explains that the systems live inside in constant oscillation of a tetralgico ring from a clutter moment, the individuals, for intermediary of the interactions, thus provokes a new order of the organization and successively. In way to the chaos, Pierre Lvy (1997) presents the theoretical base of the concept of virtual. The author starts defining the characteristics of the potentiality, warning before for the new conceptions space – the desterritorializao, and of time – the unfastening of here and now. According to author, the virtual one it tends to modernize itself, without having past, however to the concretion it accomplishes or deed of division. The tree is virtually present in the seed.