It has people that she likes for the mouth in the snake. An American of the city of Sacrament, in California, was imprisoned under the accusation to leave a snake of esteem seriously wounded after to bite it two times. The policy was called to a place in the north of the city in the thursday night (1) thinking that it was about a case of attack a person. But while the policemen talked with David Senk, of 54 years, found fallen in the place, it accused it to a witness to take off pieces of the snake pton the gears. The man finished withheld under the accusation to mutilate a reptile. Pton was submitted to an operation of emergency and is if recouping of the attack.

According to attendance service the animals of Sacrament, the snake was seriously wounded and lost some ribs, but it was saved by the surgery. The bites in the snake of a meter of length were enough great to display the liver of the animal. Of the arrest, Senk affirmed to the local media that it did not remember the incident and that it has problems with the alcohol consumption. ' ' What he was that I I made? ' ' , Senk asked. ' ' If vocs to find the owner of the snake, say it who I feel very I make use myself to pay for the costs of tratamento' '. In the forest of rock or the forest of weeds, we cannot identify who he is more dangerous, the case in question, deduces that the act was committed in defense to the attack or attack in the defense, exactly with trocadilho, doubts does not brighten up it, who is more ' ' fera' ' , or who is more ' ' selvagem' '? Soon after the incident, arrives other world the abduzidas cows, assuming the function, logical, in defense of pton, they represent the IBAMA, and on behalf of the Department she makes to fulfill the rights and duties of the citizen pton, thus, after being helped by men of the law is taken for the SUS, is given the high attendance there and the specialists when diagnosising perceive that the necessary patient to pass immediately for a surgery, a together doctor if organized and directed Mr.

to the surgical center. The surgery was a success, has equipped and patient is very happy. The doctors affirm as soon as that patient if to recoup will go to give its deposition, at the moment, although as much order of the media, pton, meets disabled. In relation to the aggressor, he is withheld, until the attacked one can be declared.