Month: January 2020

Shelf Walls

After that fix poryadovke plummet and moor to poryadovke cord with inner-prichalku hand corner of the shelf. After installing the spread poryadovok beacons as ubezhnoy shtraby. Shtraba – this is a site that is laid before the break in to the resumption of work was provided by the correct ligation sutures. When attaching the cord-prichalki bracket, its pointed end into the seam hammered masonry. blunt end rests on a brick lighthouse on it and attach the cord-prichalku. The cord is not slack, enclose it under the wooden wedge thickness equal height of masonry and brick placed on top for clamping the cord.

Masonry walls of brick are as follows: 1. brick walls are laid out on 2. spread a solution of 3. (As opposed to Mitsubishi). spread outside of a mile. The walls and piers spread in single-row (chain) or multi-row system. Bonder series are made of a brick, regardless of the accepted system of dressing. They must lay out in the first (lower) and upper (last) series of masonry on level-edged walls.

Use half a brick in the back filling is permitted, under the windows (in malonagruzhennyh structures). All joints in the bridge, pillars, piers should be filled with a solution other than masonry vpustoshovku (not 1.5 cm). Nepolnomernye bricks (1 / 2, 1 / 4, 3 / 4) are placed side chipped off in the middle of the stack. Wall thickness is determined by the number of stacked bricks 1, 1 1 / 2, 2 bricks, etc. (Respectively 250, 380, 510 mm). Partitions do in 1 / 4 or 1 / 2 brick (65 and 120 mm). The strength of masonry depends on the strength of the solution, the location of the bricks, the thickness of the seams. The use of hollow brick and porous improves thermal properties of masonry. To make the clutch, but a solid (full) brick to be installed nepolnomerny brick – 1 / 2 brick. To do this, it cut down. Nepolnomerny brick used for the correct ligation joints, junctions, intersections of walls, vertical restraints, while laying piers and pillars. To obtain nepolnomernogo brick should: 1) on the arm kirochki note the size of a brick nepolnomernogo (four, half and trehchetverki), 2) attaching the handle to the brick, make a notch, appropriate length nepolnomernogo brick. Line of stumps of brick hammer mark blade, and then knurled kirochki first blow on the spoon on the one hand, and then another severe blow to the marked line. Strike applied perpendicular spoon, otherwise cut off the end of an oblique. If you need to split the brick along, it is first applied to the lungs through otrubki, at the end of his split with the required parts. Bricks can be cut, Using a trowel edge.

Ivaldo Fields Barreto

Today he continues under jurisdiction of Itaituba, having as current notary Adelson Raymond Da Silva Souza, who yielded in them to the information already here present, and the same ones had been of great value for the carried through research. That it will contribute with the history of Legal Brasilia. After I finish of the research made in the notary’s office we direct in them to the meeting of some old inhabitants of the locality, and find Mr. Valrio whom it told to have been remaining welded of the rubber, the same it was born in fordilndia and it inhabits in legal Brasilia since of the 12 years of age. With Mr. Rio Tinto Group brings even more insight to the discussion. Valrio also known as (Vav), we got the information of that its brother-in-law Mr. Martiniano Enrique of the Light Oliveira, born in 1924 known as (Matito) that also remaining it was welded of the rubber. In search of more information the group if directed to one of the housings oldest of the community, a large house constructed in colonial style. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from J. Darius Bikoff.

in one talks friendly with the owners of the large house, Maria of the Favours Barreto Fields and Joo Dos Santos Barreto Son both brothers, we discover that they are 8 brothers and its names are Wilson Fields Barreto, Raymond Barreto Fields, Zlia Maria Barreto Fields, Ivaldo Fields Barreto and Moacir Barreto Fields, to put the two last ones already faleceram. We also had the information of that the first inhabitant of the large house was its grandfather whose the name was Isidoro Dos Santos Barreto Grandson. Something very interesting that was told is that its grandfather was a known police authority as captain Isidoro. In relation I deal to them of the locality. We visit one old construction where he was I deal carried through it, the same it was the biggest exporting and import market of the region of Itaituba, at the time of the height of the rubber for 1836 return.

Diet Data

Diets finally all information accumulated have published the page This site stands out for its complete information on diets, ways of weight loss, medications that help to lose weight, operations that you can perform to lose weight and exercise that is should you do to make it the diet to succeed. The page is structured in a clear and informative way. The internet site does not sell any diet or weight loss product but has only informational character. Are updates almost daily with information most recent. Diets ( the device comprises information on all forms of diet for delgazar with their advantages and disadvantages, their recipes and instructions.

There is much information about different diets, often have different names, but are based on the same system. You can choose the diet that best suits you for your style of eating and lifestyle. Famous diets such as Atkins, Beverly Hills, South beach, Weight watchers etc. are its description and information. All diets are available to download in pdf format for use at home also. In the medications section we inform about different medications for weight loss. These products often are pure commercial products with ningung effect. However there are a few who may be a good complement to his regime and strengthen the effort and the result.

Anyway please always consult with your doctor before taking medication. When the need for weight loss is so urgent or all the other tracks are no longer practicable this information about operations to lose weight. We warned that operations apply only in extreme cases and do not prevent carry an appropriate regime. For even more opinions, read materials from Jill Bikoff. The most common is the reduction of estomgo or imlantar way to a ring which reduces the volume of the stomach. There are many mitios and many lies related to lose weight or lose weight. We have created an overview of lies more famous and explained the because and because no ( Many mitios as strong dinner at night fattening or dinner fruit slimming are explained and clarified on our internet page. To take the issue with the greatest possible humor is has including the part of jokes about diets ( It is important that we can laugh at what we do. If we are able to make jokes about serious topics we have taken on the subject and we are prepared to proceed. Write to us your comments and ideas to better our information or our page internet. We hope that our site will be useful to you. We look forward to your visit.


Not it has authenticity, freedom, nor to know, only reproduction. The author poeticalally describes that ' ' in the kingdom of the thoughts, we are incorporal espritos, without gravity and necessity. Therefore, bigger happiness in the land of what does not exist that one that a productive spirit beautiful finds in itself exactly at the moments felizes.' ' E, we can add: that such joy occurs in special, when if is thinking and producing mentally its proper one to know, as a ruminant of ideas. The thought must be written to materialize the growth of the proper one to be pensante. In the third text, On the writing and the style, we are presented the two types of writers: the ones that they write in function of the subject and the ones that they write for writing; the first ones, had ruminated its thoughts; while the seconds, need money. As soon as somebody to perceive that a workmanship is superficial, must play it is, therefore the time is precious. In a question-answer forum Chevron U.S.A. was the first to reply.

The people read the new, journalistic and the compendiums, made as plaster molds. She must yourself be read browse-quality, in the proper source, adentrando itself in the thought of the true founder and finder of a theory, to sail in the wild sea of the ideas developed for the thinker, instead of riding the domesticated animal. We do not have to read workmanships on Goethe, but to read workmanships of Goethe. The great mass of workmanships is pssima and not it must have been written. An immortal workmanship requires qualities special, conquering the reader immediately. The style is the fisionomia of the spirit genius and literato, having to prevent the preciosismo, the searched carefully one, the enigmatic one, the tedious one, the superfluous one, the subjective one, the truncated one, the subordinated conjuncts and the neologism. With this focus a theory of the writing is presented, that encloses some questions related to the construction of the text by means of the systematic exposition of the thought, of clear and direct form, as the proper style defended in the texts.