CHAPTER THIRTY AND NINE Choreography To lunch? Who Made what? While it was put into motion, he was observed for the father-in-law who when noticing to circulate it of a group for another one, at any given time, solo, interpellated it: _ Its objective is alone of the lunch or has more thing in sight here? I am noticing you to very go of a group pra another one, and it never was of this. What it is happening? _ If does not worry, its Alfonso. It is everything under control. My movement is pra to have certainty of that the guests you are well! _ I do not believe that it must call them my guests Most was invited by you, and on the contrary of the ENGETEC, they are on to the crimes. I am certain? _ The sergeant and the Hawk are my protectors, the Domincio, the Malaquias and Claudino is of the City hall, the others deserves respect and they could not be of it are, does not find? _ Faa what to find better.
You have preference how much the hour to serve? _ The more early better! I have much service and the sergeant goes to travel! _ Then we go to invite if to seat them it. I go to give to order pra that they are served! Certain of what it would come, it used of the same choreography, form that each one sat down as the position where it would be. The people had noticed that for happy coincidence, they continued together and they could continue the subjects. A group was formed for Malaquias and Domincio, the Dr. Carlos and the manager, the accountant and the Dr. Charles. In the other, they were Agnelo, the doctor, the promoter, the judge and the Dr. Silvano, and in third they were you, the young women, the military and the priest, whom the chance of doutrinar the dissolute sheep did not lose.