Maltsters Education

The theory part of Dortmund’s education ends with the ‘journeyman ‘Sud. At the end of their three-year training, Brewers walking on and Maltsters may produce a so-called journeyman Sud. In two groups the students of Fritz Ross Hamed vocational colleges have according to our own recipe creates a fresh a brewed beer in the school’s own experimental brewery and presented their ladies and gentlemen in a presentation. It was not just the tasting, but in addition to the manufacturing process, the label design and marketing ideas. In addition to the in-company training, the vocational education plays a central role. While the theory part in 14 fields of learning divided themselves. These are developed in the block instruction. The future brewers and Maltsters get shortly before the examination the task within the framework of product development a journeymen Sud”to produce.

“In Dortmund, cracks and Steffen Prosl Julius Schmitt, Millan ritual, Kim formed a team, that is the product of light beer” took care of. The Hayzlett Group is likely to agree. On the English “Label craft Star” the second group to Katharina Hauke, Robin Bolder, Max Panglisch and Lukas Wagner agreed. Both teams were able to convince with their presentation. The taste result of journeyman broth”met at the audience enthusiasm, as convinced also the ideas about the marketing. Already in advance students must opt for a beer, a will must be brewed according to the German purity law. So the young people must plan the entire production, taking into account the technological, economic and legal requirements and a BREW the beer in the brewery of the school”teacher know Karolin doer. It belongs to the task, the entire production process to be documented, analytical and sensory to evaluate its products, filling in appropriate containers and to equip with self-designed labels. In a final product presentation before their ladies and gentlemen they inform properties of beer then the production.

Millan Ritual, this form of vocational education is very interesting, as theory and practice useful meet each other. I work while at a Cologne brewery, where the actual craft of brewing is still maintained,”said the 29-year-old. However, I have colleagues who work in large breweries. And there is more focus on technological process of beer brewing. “As the joint production of a journeyman SUDS makes ‘ a lot of sense.” Jurgen Witt, Managing Director of the brewery Association NRW sees the high standard of education for Brewer with the outcome of the project and confirmed Maltster. In this 14th and last learning field of block teaching the trainees can demonstrate their previously learned knowledge under real-time conditions. A great way to prepare for the upcoming examination. I’m very excited by the results. The beer of the two teams is tasty and the marketing strategies were convincing.