
A conception of man, in which body and mind closely mesh then contain the teachings of L. Ron of Hubbard’s Dianetics was referring only to the mind. It was regarded as a means to relieve the individual from mental trauma or rescue. L. Ron Hubbard but continued his research. In the early 1950s, he entered with his discovery in the spiritual realm.

That was the time when he found out that the man is an immortal being, the life of countless lives and transcends the physical dimensions. Thus the mind is conceived in Scientology similar to a computer – but with two main areas: the analytical mind and the so-called reactive mind. The analytical mind in a way represents the intelligence. It is a healthy force representing the perception Center of the person (“self”). This means the analysis is similar to a processor that works with perceptions (stimuli incoming from the outside world) as well as with the imagination and memories, in the so-called “Standard memory banks” are included. From birth to death, in the guards in the sleeping state, information is transmitted from the different senses this memory, which kept it completely in chronological order in various “archives” and provides for the analytical mind. This mind works continuously.

Copies of the stored data to continuously it, the mind evaluates and compares, in order to provide the right answers to the problems confronting the person. Routine tasks such as running, to be able to perform without having useless information available, driving a car, etc. memory cued circuits set up, which control the acquired skills. In principle, the analytical mind is a kind of rational, correct “processor”, which produces no psychological or psychosomatic disorders. The aberrierte behavior occurs due to the reactive mind, which consists of a deposit of Engrammen. Engrammen it does not necessarily Memories, but rather complete records of all details of all perceptions, which receives the person during a painful moment of complete or partial loss of consciousness (such as fainting or anesthesia). After L. Ron Hubbard, Scientology religion in auditing (pastoral) used the skills of analytical mind, the reactive mind to relieve of the harmful Engrammen, which inhibit the capacity to regain the energy of the incarnate being (soul). Two things are achieved through auditing: 1) exploring the past makes the Member quickly clear that he is an omnipotent being inkarniertes, limited only by his human condition; (2) the extinction of engrams leads to the State of “Clear”. “Clarify” means someone (clear), wipe out his reactive mind. By getting rid of engrams, the spiritual essence is regenerated. This is reflected by an increased spiritual life force with a higher Survivability, a feeling of strength and energy, and better skills, which can be measured on a scale of emotion. More information: press-service of the SK Bayern e.V., be Anichstrasse 12, 80802 Munich, contact: Uta Eilzer, TEL.