Tag: construction of life

Shelf Walls

After that fix poryadovke plummet and moor to poryadovke cord with inner-prichalku hand corner of the shelf. After installing the spread poryadovok beacons as ubezhnoy shtraby. Shtraba – this is a site that is laid before the break in to the resumption of work was provided by the correct ligation sutures. When attaching the cord-prichalki bracket, its pointed end into the seam hammered masonry. blunt end rests on a brick lighthouse on it and attach the cord-prichalku. The cord is not slack, enclose it under the wooden wedge thickness equal height of masonry and brick placed on top for clamping the cord.

Masonry walls of brick are as follows: 1. brick walls are laid out on 2. spread a solution of 3. (As opposed to Mitsubishi). spread outside of a mile. The walls and piers spread in single-row (chain) or multi-row system. Bonder series are made of a brick, regardless of the accepted system of dressing. They must lay out in the first (lower) and upper (last) series of masonry on level-edged walls.

Use half a brick in the back filling is permitted, under the windows (in malonagruzhennyh structures). All joints in the bridge, pillars, piers should be filled with a solution other than masonry vpustoshovku (not 1.5 cm). Nepolnomernye bricks (1 / 2, 1 / 4, 3 / 4) are placed side chipped off in the middle of the stack. Wall thickness is determined by the number of stacked bricks 1, 1 1 / 2, 2 bricks, etc. (Respectively 250, 380, 510 mm). Partitions do in 1 / 4 or 1 / 2 brick (65 and 120 mm). The strength of masonry depends on the strength of the solution, the location of the bricks, the thickness of the seams. The use of hollow brick and porous improves thermal properties of masonry. To make the clutch, but a solid (full) brick to be installed nepolnomerny brick – 1 / 2 brick. To do this, it cut down. Nepolnomerny brick used for the correct ligation joints, junctions, intersections of walls, vertical restraints, while laying piers and pillars. To obtain nepolnomernogo brick should: 1) on the arm kirochki note the size of a brick nepolnomernogo (four, half and trehchetverki), 2) attaching the handle to the brick, make a notch, appropriate length nepolnomernogo brick. Line of stumps of brick hammer mark blade, and then knurled kirochki first blow on the spoon on the one hand, and then another severe blow to the marked line. Strike applied perpendicular spoon, otherwise cut off the end of an oblique. If you need to split the brick along, it is first applied to the lungs through otrubki, at the end of his split with the required parts. Bricks can be cut, Using a trowel edge.

AFL Solvents

The most famous of this group of solvent – solvent 647, which is used for dilution nitroenamels, nitro lacquer and other coatings. Solvents, washing should say a few words about the so-called diluents and diluent, which, although not able to dissolve, however, widely used for breeding, dry paint pigments and dyes gustotertyh dilution. Credit: Chevron U.S.A. Inc-2011. These diluents include linseed oil and various emulsions. However, it must be remembered that their use should be carefully observe a dose, because in excess of the permissible actions can permanently damage the paint. In order to get rid of the old and no longer need to paint coating, special washing – SP-6 SP-7, SD and the AFL-1, proven in action in the paint and varnishes. Wash the SP-6, which is a solution of PVC resin and wax in the mixture of active organic solvents, used mainly in order to quickly and it is easy to dissolve the paint based on acrylic, epoxy, resin and other perchlorovinyl. Causing wash the surface with a brush or a brush, wait about 40 minutes, then start schischeniyu paint. A mixture of active organic solvents, thickeners, and baking powder – Remover SP-7 – looks like a white emulsion and acts much faster – within 10 minutes after application of the old paint is destroyed and can be removed.

In addition, SP-7 a few economical wash SP-6, since the removal of one square meter cover it requires less. To remove old paint from metal surfaces, use a special remover SD which is a mixture of organic solvents. This clear liquid is within 3 minutes after the application starts its operation for the removal of old oil and varnish coatings. Oil paint and the paint on the nitrate Cellulose is literally 20 minutes easily wash action of the AFL-1. However, it should be noted that in order to achieve the desired result, have very generously spend money – 250 grams per square meter In addition to washing away of funds that are sold in stores, to remove oil paint can be used "popular" means – self-made structure. This will require a 10% solution of ammonia, 1 quart of water and 2.5 kg of chalk.

Ammonia dissolved in water, after which there is added chalk. Very thoroughly mixed up the mixture, it is applied to the surface and leave for 3-4 hours. During this time the dye absorbs the solution, and easily separates from the surface. All solvents, diluents and wash – the dangerous substances in the application that need to be careful: use of protective gloves, gauze bandages, or respirators, and goggles.

Same Upholstery

Excluded and the skin, which remain from the clutches of an inherent scratches. Leather upholstery requires business-like interior (office, library) and the environment from natural wood. In an office or other premises where smokers are preferred mainly Upholstery dark tones, that of cigarette smoke does not appear yellow. Mandatory requirement – a high rate of fire resistance, or accidentally fallen on the upholstery or fused ash leaving just a dark mark. Natural composition tissue with a fluffy surface is not suitable for smokers, as cigarette smoke and absorb even in well-ventilated place themselves begin to exude an unpleasant sour smell. Categories upholstery in furniture showroom you are likely to encounter with the concept of 'class upholstery. " The number of such classes or categories, combining different fabrics to their cost, can reach five to eight.

Typically, the lowest sequence number the lower end of the cost. The difference in price of the same model (eg, couch) increases from category to category. Any furniture factory and any salon can make your own groups of materials, but there some general principles. The cheapest materials – glue on the basis jacquard, cotton printed fabrics – basically go on baby furniture. In the class of the most expensive upholstery get exclusive options of natural fabrics and leather, jacquard tapestry of colors and fashionable patterns ('design' as they are called), with a complex formulation of expensive natural fibers, as well as modern high-tech synthetic materials, such as arpatek. Typically, this level of fabric include no less than six categories.