Tag: education

Hypothesis Alterations

Analisar as pupils and professors if relates with a dislxico pupil. Hypothesis Hypothesis the 1 child does not present difficulty in deciding activities except when involve reading and writing? Hypothesis 2 As the pedagogical didactic action directed toward the necessities special of the dislexia is possible to skirt problems of reading and writing, that presents and that it comes to present. Theoretical Referencial As referencial theoretician the research left of the problems found in the classrooms with pupils who present riot and upheaval in the learning being diagnosised with dislexia, that stops the children, the damages biggest they are related in the pertaining to school area, therefore one is about a riot or upheaval of learning in the area of the written reading and spelling, is a problem of bigger incidence in the classrooms that reaches of 10 15% of the world-wide population without color distinction, race, religion and social status. That in contrast of what many think the dislexia is not the result me the alfabetizao, carelessness, desmotivao, condition economic partner and low intelligence. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out David Long. yes, the dislexia is: a hereditary condition with genetic alterations, that still present alterations in the neurological standard, as some theoreticians tell. For the ones for NICO and YANHEZ (2001), the dislexia is related to a disorganization in the cerebral processing of the information received for the visual system. Being thus, had the effort expended in the processing of the visual information after, the reading becomes slower and segmented, what it compromises the speed of cognition and the memorization, producing fatigue, exchange of words, desfocamento, fotofobia and distraction, a relatively short interval in the reading. In the SELIKOWITZ vision (2001), it has many definitions to establish the causes of the dislexia, however most accepted it is of that the dislexia is a genetic condition that presents alterations in the neurological standard of the individual.

Yasinsky Determination

Plot of normal stresses. Rational forms of cross-sections of beams. Dissemination of the findings of pure bending in transverse bending. Tangential transverse stress (formula Zhuravskoye). Diagrams of shear stresses for beams rectangular and I-sections. The state of stress of the material beam under transverse bending. The estimated equation for the strength (in the normal, tangent and the principal stresses) Theme 8. Determination of Displacements in bending displacements in bending (deflection and angle of the section).

The relationship between deflection angle and the beam section. The analytical method for determining displacement. The differential equation of the curved axis of the beam, its first and second integrals. Determining the integration constants for beams with one site (from the condition of fastening of beams). Determination of the displacement beams with multiple sites. The method of adjustment of integration constants.

Method initial parameters. The energy method for determining displacement. The strain energy of the rod bending. Castigliano's theorem. Integral More. Be reschagina formula. The theorem of reciprocity and mutuality works movements. Topic 9. Please visit Rio- Tinto Group if you seek more information. Statically indeterminate systems Concepts. The degree of static indeterminacy. Methods of disclosure of static indeterminacy. Disclosure of statically indeterminate systems by force. Setpoint, the main and the equivalent system. Canonical equations of the force method. Statically indeterminate system under torsion. One and multi-statically indeterminate beams. The equation of three moments. Topic 10. Complicated resistance 10.1. Oblique bending loads, causing an oblique bending. Force factors in the cross sections of the beam. Determination of the normal stresses in the beam cross-sections. Determination of the neutral axis and the hot spots in section. Strength calculation. Determination of deflections. 10.2. Bending with tension or compression combined effect of longitudinal and transverse loads. Power factors in cross-sections. Determination of stresses using the principle of superposition. Strength calculation. Eccentric compression or tension rod high rigidity. Power factors in cross-sections. Determination of stresses. The equation of the neutral line. Interconnection between the coordinates of the force and position of the neutral line. Strength calculation. The core of the section. A theorem on a rectilinear movement of the pole forces (of the force) and the rotation of the neutral line. Building the kernel section (for a rectangle, circle, ring). 10.3. Bending with torsion. External loads causing bending and torsion. Convert the given system of forces. Power factors in cross-sections of the rod. Determination of stresses. The state of stress of the material of the shaft. The principal stresses and strength calculation. Topic 11. The stability of compressed rods (buckling) concepts about the forms of equilibrium. Stability of a compressed rod (buckling). Critical force. Euler's formula for determining the critical force. Influence of fixing the rod on the value of critical force. The general formula for determining the Euler critical compressive force. Critical stresses. Flexibility rod. The limits of applicability of Euler's formula. The full schedule of the critical stress. Formula Yasinsky. Calculation of the compressed bars with their flexibility. Reduction factor basic allowable stress. Estimated equation buckling of the rod. Selection section of the rod by successive approximations. Longitudinal and transverse bending. The peculiarity of the problem due to its nonlinearity. An approximate method of calculation. Determination of stresses.

Barcelona Spain

The strike has generated shortages and the generalized madness of the Spaniards who have begun to collect food. In the website of the BBC in Spanish you could read the following about the situation of shortages which crosses Spain: we went to buy at the supermarket and there was nothing fresh. All the shelves of meat were completely empty. There was little fruit and no dairy products, like yogurt or milk people are buying much more where there will be shortages. Zapatero suggested him to truckers sector a series of thirty measures to alleviate the situation of the Guild, given steady increases in fuels, proposal which was rejected since the sector seeks the adoption of minimum of transport services rates so that they can move fuels increases to the cost of transport services. But that the situation in Spain is more complex than a conflict by the increase in the price of fuels. In the Financial Times, Leslie Crawford ensures that the prosperous and dynamic stage of the recent years has come to an end.

It is that after the construction boom, the crisis that is going through the Spanish real estate sector is very hard hitting the economy. Leslie Crawford takes the data from a study conducted by the University of Barcelona, which indicates the existence of more than one million of unsold homes which will require a time of more than two years for its liquidation, situation that indicates a little favourable prospects for the sector in the coming years. Faced with the economic slowdown and an increase in inflationary pressures, the Spanish Government has no monetary policy as an instrument to act faced with this situation, and must act quickly if you do not want that situation becomes increasingly worse. On Wednesday, Zapatero promised to meet with trade unions and employers to discuss the current economic crisis is affecting Spain. A new agreement from La Moncloa in Spain? It seems that the economic situation It is requiring of the union of all sectors to cope with the crisis situation. Spain already has a successful experience and is prepared to repeat it again will be willing all sectors to cede, in the pursuit of achieving recover the Spanish economy?

The Development

Consideraes final the affectivity and its motivador paper in the development of the learning We can thus stand out that the emotions constitute the main way I stimulate for it and the search of new forms of learning, that is, the search for knowing something is established from the moment that the individual attributes one meaning to such object, or conception, as it affirms Davis (2008): The emotions are gifts when it searchs to know, when it establishes relations with physical objects, conceptions or other individuals. Affection and cognition constitute non-separable aspects, gifts in any activity, even so in changeable ratios. The affectivity and intelligence if structuralize in the actions and for the actions of the individuals (p.83). Therefore, the paper of the professor goes beyond the transmission of the contents, it must know to mediate to the emotions that permeiam the relations in classroom, so that in this way it motivates this pupil the acquisition of the knowledge. Oliveira 2008, affirms that: One of the works most important to be developed for the professor next to its pupils is, therefore, to motivate them. It is not treated, here, to only stimulate them with compliments to the performance. In contrast, the good professor looks for to make with that the learning process is motivador in itself exactly: the children must be taken to place all its energy to face the intellectual challenge that the school places to them. The pleasure comes, thus, of the proper learning, the feeling of personal ability, the security of being skillful to decide problems (p.85). It fits then, the school to provide to its pupils a motivador environment, becoming process of the productive and significant learning, way that this student can feel itself motivated to frequent the half pertaining to school, and to search new knowledge throughout its development stimulating its autonomy. In this way, the act to study becomes not as an obligation, but as something pleasant.