Maicao's story and the book have something similar: both have been issued a death certificate without the patient has given up the ghost. The book came up several times but always overcame and survived. A Maicao believed he sentenced to death in 1983 when the bolivar Venezuelan currency that was made much of the local market sales fell from $ 16 to $ 5. And he returned to predict its demise in the 90s when the country entered the era of economic openness. And he again said its early extinction in the early twenty-first century when they became more stringent measures to control the entry and sale of foreign goods. Despite predictions of observers reserved the patient shows signs of life: children have a smile on your face, young people view the future with determination and traders have begun to reorient their activities. For some time the trade was no longer the thriving and prosperous business of previous years. The people now live less lucrative business, but living decently.
Some cultivated in cotton, others are betting on farming, other transportation or sale of petrol …. But no resignation to live. Many were, certainly, but others remained and are the majority. In times of bonanza Maicao had people with one foot here and one who knows where. These were people who did not see the city as a living areas but a place to do business i accumulate capital. That is, a place to spend some time but not all l life.
Today he is here is here and the city lngra rid of the stigma of having "a large floating population" false argument with which he negargn resources for their development. Children born in the 90 well-repudiation be called the Children of Crisis. His parents will tell you that a few years ago there was ena economic boom and it produced absurd profits. The boys then rightly ask what did they do that much money? Without waiting a response that no one can give long will their way and facing the sun on their faces show a gesture where you can read the phrase "does not die Maicao, Gentlemen" is a renowned Colombian journalist and writer, linked as a teacher several Colombian universities. He is the author of four books and co-author of three others that address the topic of leadership, ethics and Human Development. It is often invited as a speaker at conferences, forums and other academic events. Contact him through the cell corrreo or call her at 300 8055526. Visit his page.