Tag: the present time

Social Forum

” Jose Stalin Is much what he is expected, to obtain, to reach when mobilization occurs World-wide to a Social Forum, where the actors that in him takes part make it with the hope find solutions that favor to the world in all those problems who at the moment confronts and in where it is considered, that the serious problems that at the moment occur they are dealt with that interest that allows to give answers, in order to guarantee harmony, development, peace, commitments that generate action that they favor to all what we lived in this world. Recurdese, that Foro Social Mundial (FSM) was created with the aim of providing abierta platform to discuss strategies of resistance and like antithesis of the model of globalisation formulated by World-wide the Economic Forum that is realised every year in Davos. Firmly convinced that ” Another world is posible” , the FSM is a space of discussion of alternatives, of interchange of experiences and fortification of alliances between organizations of civil society, towns and movements. Tmese in account, that has also said, that: ” it is impossible to understand the Social Forum without tying it with the increasing wave of protests against the globalisation in public places in the recent years, like in Seattle, Washington, the Prague and Nize. Those that makes possible and viable to the Forum are those and those that form as subject in fights, movements, associations, and organizations, without mattering that their actions are small or great, local or national, regional or global. It is the possible most global confluence of the diversity of the networks and movements, which deed the Social Forum Mundial”. The certain thing, that six days of meetings it included east Forum where the main social problems were analyzed that the world confronts, nevertheless, knows as milenio.com relates.

European Social Forum

” The movement leaves renovado” , it affirmed Innocent Grzybowski, founder of the event that fully surpassed the participation of surpassed the previous and single years in 2005 in Porto Alegre (South of Brazil) For reaching better results, solutions, groups activists, as mention elnuevodiario.com.ni, they made a call to the mobilization. ” We are going to have to end of March a set of global mobilizations, two semanas” , it participated the Italian Rafaella Bolini, representative of the European Social Forum. The first great call will be the 28 of March in London, against the crisis and before the summit of the G20 that reunites to great industrialized and developing countries. But there will be others, in Istambul before the World-wide Forum of the Water, and in April with the celebration of the 60 years of NATO, and in July against the G8 (countries more industrialized and Russia), it explained. Doubtless, as it occurred and I pronounce myself, the indigenous towns were great protagonists of the Forum, that received 1,900 representatives whom they anywhere in the world summoned for the 12 of October a mobilization ” by the defense of the mother naturaleza”. ” Our participation in this forum has demonstrated that we are political actors, nonpart of the folklore, and are part of this process search of Another Posible” World; , motto of World-wide the Social Forum.

5,800 organizations participated in the Forum, between unions, social movements and NGO, with more than 2,300 debates, seminaries and conferences in five days of activities. The Forum considers a space that welcomes the NGO biennially planetary and it does not have own conclusions. The next World-wide Social Forum will be celebrated in 2011, in a place to define. Definitively, the experimented thing, living in this Forum, will have very to be taken into account by its organizers and to hierarchize those more determining problems in the present world and to undertake programs, actions that take passage to solutions that allow to guarantee results that favor to all what in them they are involved. One is due to structure suitably in order that the different problems are dealt with feasible contributions and once and for all corresponding organisms a commit themselves that the forums they provide proacativas answers and less figuration in activities than they do not favor the objective of to be tried topics, is due to know how to take the opportunity the meeting, using in time with factories, communications more proactive, than they provide replaced required. Already Hildebrando Vlez commented, that have been critics on the excessive use of this space for the exhibition, or the intellectual or political narcissism that impregnates to some actors or processes; although this tension stays present, nevertheless, the effort to orient the FSM of democratic and participating way pedagogically has not been unfruitful. We do not want that it is a space of exhibicionismo nor of narcissism of NGO, nor of politicians or intellectuals, but a space to construct fight and agreement and reflection, combat abilities for the mobilization against Capitalism, the neoliberalism, neocolonialism and the policies and institutions that they support to them.