The Development
Consideraes final the affectivity and its motivador paper in the development of the learning We can thus stand out that the emotions constitute the main way I stimulate for it and the search of new forms of learning, that is, the search for knowing something is established from the moment that the individual attributes one meaning to such object, or conception, as it affirms Davis (2008): The emotions are gifts when it searchs to know, when it establishes relations with physical objects, conceptions or other individuals. Affection and cognition constitute non-separable aspects, gifts in any activity, even so in changeable ratios. The affectivity and intelligence if structuralize in the actions and for the actions of the individuals (p.83). Therefore, the paper of the professor goes beyond the transmission of the contents, it must know to mediate to the emotions that permeiam the relations in classroom, so that in this way it motivates this pupil the acquisition of the knowledge. Oliveira 2008, affirms that: One of the works most important to be developed for the professor next to its pupils is, therefore, to motivate them. It is not treated, here, to only stimulate them with compliments to the performance. In contrast, the good professor looks for to make with that the learning process is motivador in itself exactly: the children must be taken to place all its energy to face the intellectual challenge that the school places to them. The pleasure comes, thus, of the proper learning, the feeling of personal ability, the security of being skillful to decide problems (p.85). It fits then, the school to provide to its pupils a motivador environment, becoming process of the productive and significant learning, way that this student can feel itself motivated to frequent the half pertaining to school, and to search new knowledge throughout its development stimulating its autonomy. In this way, the act to study becomes not as an obligation, but as something pleasant.