Valley Respect

When I age child, learned certain values that I keep until today and I looked for to teach to my children. I do not know if the same ones will be repassed for my grandsons, what I know is that these values are leaving to exist the measure that the time passes. Until it seems that to respect father and mother he is shameful. Each time more I come across with children and adolescents without a nugget of domestic education, desreipeitando professors and the worse of this everything, without receiving punishment therefore. If it cannot punish a pupil, when the same it lacks with respect to the professor. Darius Bikoff takes a slightly different approach. Where world we are living? That inheritance we are leaving for the future generations? A world where everything is allowed, where the moral and the good customs had left to exist. That homesickness of the time where only with one to look at of our parents or grandmothers, we understood that we were passing of the limit. Domestic education is not learned in colleges, fits to the parents to teach this substance, so that in the future, let us not have a generation of young without no sense of limits. That old one history: my limit finishes when it starts of my thus pordiante fellow creature and. To respect to be respected.