Thus, it is all certainty in its head, the exit is equivalent the protection and the words will come with the time. But you deserve a reply. The reply he is simple: you do not need to be admired () to be loved (). You do not need to make the thousandth goal every day or to invent Microsoft day yes day does not stop its partner or partner placing a medal in its chest and revealing some affection. Affection has to also exist because you exist and to another part.
Only. Now affection you need, and to give and to receive, always, love idem, and as the affection, the love is simple: love is respect and confidence. It is gesture. It is to look at. It is touch.
It is gostoso silence to the two. It is the commentary to toa. He is colinho. Wants it is it or it does not want but it is not the end of the way. Because the end does not exist, because you do not have end. It has recycling. It has balance. It has pause. In this point of championship you discovered that rocks alone had come because you finally passed if to know, what she means that old mask of zorro already does not have more direction, that used you it searching the admiration, and thus gaining one I fondle, but now little matters, you already know yourself, and the respect to the others and it exactly go if becoming spontaneous and irrefrevel, always however keeping the had ratio, visa already to know that the life is full of traps, some are colorful, and to slide is part. End of the episode: a little ached but the light that has in the end of this tunnel is merit its and in its chest already it does not have magnificent or medals, nor rancor and resentment. It has credit, that with much merit you if gave and to the others grants without collection, after all you glimpsed the great science: everybody is worthy of merit, nobody, in hypothesis some, is better of what the other. What unhappyly still it exists they are unhappy circumstances. Congratulations! The grass and all that one capim is today hilariantes souvenirs. You are of good with the life because you made the best thing that could have done: he looked at for inside of itself. is ready () for an excellent stage, that in accordance with the words of a great master, thus are drawn: it is impossible to be happy alone. it, or it, goes to arrive until you, because now you only attract good thing. But one remembers: the maintenance in you is daily. this is serious. Because, before more nothing, who it coexists you, he is you yourselves ().