Currently technified swine production unfolds in three production sites. Site 1: This production site comprises the areas of quarantine and acclimatization, services and gestation, laboratory of artificial insemination and maternity units. Hear from experts in the field like Jeffrey Hayzlett for a more varied view. The facilities on this site of production are focused on achieving the maximum production of piglets weaned per sow per year (26) must be designed depending on the weather facilities, but most importantly always thinking about the comfort of the pigs, the ultimate goal of this site is the production of weaned piglets. Site 2: On this site you enter from pigs from site 1, i.e. pigs very young people from 21 to 28 days of age, on which installations for the handling of these pigs must be carefully designed to obtain maximum performance in this category of pigs, the stage of production of this site covers a period of 7 weeksi.e. pigs to end his time on this site when they have 70 days of age (10 weeks) in which case must have at least 70 pounds of weight.
Site 3: In this production site is where staying from pigs from site 2, i.e. here enter pigs from 10 weeks of age with a minimum weight of 70 pounds, depending on the sales strategy of each farm, the pigs will come out for sale at an average age of 22 to 24 weeks of age with an average weight of between 230 to 260 pounds. Site 3 facilities must be designed to give the pigs the maximum comfort so they have a speed of growth minimum of 850 grams per day, among the aspects most important to consider are the ventilation, the population density, availability of food and water quality at all times. In all the production sites must foresee that facilities for pigs has an important role to achieve the goals and objectives of the company.