New Magazine School
The affectivity is present in the development of the citizen, and in the construction of the knowledge. But, if it cannot deny that, amongst the psychological phenomena, the affective ones present a great difficulty of study, as much in that it is mentioned to the conceptualization, as well as how much to the analysis and research methodology. In literature one meets, eventually, the use of the terms affection, emotion and feeling, as pparently synonymous. However, most of the time, the term emotion meets related to the biological component of the human behavior, mentioning an agitation to it, a reaction of physical order. Already the affectivity is used with ampler significao, mentioning the experiences to it of the individuals and to the more complex forms of expression and essentially human beings. For Capellatto (2002): the affectivity is the complex dynamics deepest and of that the human being can participate. It is initiated from the moment where a subject league if to another one for the love … the affectivity is mixture of emotions being that one of them must be the love, it human being to have control of its life it must know to work with these emotions.
According to Wallon (1995), the emotion is the first one and more strong bond between the individuals. It is basic to observe the gesture, the mimic one, the look, the face expression, therefore they are constituent of the emotional activity. Wallon dedicated great part of its work to the study of the affectivity, adopting, moreover, a basically social boarding of the human development. For Helosa Dantas, researcher concerning Wallon, cited for Saints (1996) in interview to the site of the New Magazine School: The emotions, for Wallon, have preponderant paper in the development of the person. He is by means of them that the pupil exterioriza its desires and its wills.