Niger Delta
A few days ago, in an article I wrote on the subject, I tried decoding what forces were pushing upward the oil price that raises the price of oil, and the speculative component that suggested me Paola, appeared as one of the determining elements of the aforementioned upward. After the bad day yesterday, from the Wall Street Journal has ventured that the price of oil must wait more for his recovery time. Yesterday the price of oil fell to reach $67 barrel despite the fact that the tension between Iran and the U.S., aggravation at the time that the main militia group in Nigeria acknowledged Sunday that had attacked after Royal Dutch Shell in the Niger Delta oil facilities. Probably, the pessimism of yesterday, do not stop the ambitions of speculators who continue forcing upward to the price of oil. Learn more at: RioCan . For the Prophet of this crisis, Nouriel Roubini, is now more likely that the crisis will draw a W, considering to oil as a determining factor. Roubini entrusted to El Pais, expectations that the speculation surrounding the price of oil will remain, which will limit the economic recovery and even revert it in 2010: oil could approaching the US $100 per barrel at the end of the year, which would be a negative shock to the economy. Global economic recovery: illusion or reality? I see some encouraging signs from the United States. It also begins to slow the fall of the European and Asian economies. My view is that the recovery is beginning to take shape very slowly in a context of high risk, that makes that you can not ensure that it can reach fruition and not finish by reversing it. Original author and source of the article.