In the start of the humanity the work was a constant fight pra survival the necessity of if to shelter and to eat etc. that determined the necessity to work were with the advance of agriculture, instruments of house and tools that the advance brought and the progress in the work we can the plough was a great progress that brought a revolution in the way of agriculture and in the world the work the Revolution Industrial was a landmark in the transformation of the work and the organization of being human being with processes innovators. Throughout the history of the humanity everything was transforming and varying in accordance with the cultural level and the period of training of evolution of each society some societies had been if evolving with more rapidity, and work was being perceived of differentiated form. On the basis of the phrase ‘ ‘ the work is so old how much the being humano’ ‘ it is that we follow spectacular transformations in day-by-day in the work of each professional, therefore the work is something closely related to the personality and the abilities it human being. The specialization of the activities executed human beings was imposed by the Industrial Revolution and cultural evolution of the humanity and today the word ‘ ‘ trabalho’ ‘ it has one meaning different in the life human being, a series of different meanings according to Aurlio dictionary twenty basic options and diverse expressions. Toms de Aquino XIII. ‘ ‘ They are In century XVIII, the Adam English Smith, affirms that the wealth did not have origin in the mercantilism, but of the work.
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