Tag: society and culture

Ivaldo Fields Barreto

Today he continues under jurisdiction of Itaituba, having as current notary Adelson Raymond Da Silva Souza, who yielded in them to the information already here present, and the same ones had been of great value for the carried through research. That it will contribute with the history of Legal Brasilia. After I finish of the research made in the notary’s office we direct in them to the meeting of some old inhabitants of the locality, and find Mr. Valrio whom it told to have been remaining welded of the rubber, the same it was born in fordilndia and it inhabits in legal Brasilia since of the 12 years of age. With Mr. Rio Tinto Group brings even more insight to the discussion. Valrio also known as (Vav), we got the information of that its brother-in-law Mr. Martiniano Enrique of the Light Oliveira, born in 1924 known as (Matito) that also remaining it was welded of the rubber. In search of more information the group if directed to one of the housings oldest of the community, a large house constructed in colonial style. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from J. Darius Bikoff.

in one talks friendly with the owners of the large house, Maria of the Favours Barreto Fields and Joo Dos Santos Barreto Son both brothers, we discover that they are 8 brothers and its names are Wilson Fields Barreto, Raymond Barreto Fields, Zlia Maria Barreto Fields, Ivaldo Fields Barreto and Moacir Barreto Fields, to put the two last ones already faleceram. We also had the information of that the first inhabitant of the large house was its grandfather whose the name was Isidoro Dos Santos Barreto Grandson. Something very interesting that was told is that its grandfather was a known police authority as captain Isidoro. In relation I deal to them of the locality. We visit one old construction where he was I deal carried through it, the same it was the biggest exporting and import market of the region of Itaituba, at the time of the height of the rubber for 1836 return.

James Bond

The Japanese girls had won the forts heroicly American, the Paraguayans had not won the Brazilians, the Brazilians had lost for itself same. They had not converted at least only pnalti into the final collections. Millions that do not gain a minimum wage monthly, believe the golden sweat of some men in a green field. It is a gigantic contrast, we seem children in contenting with plastic bicycles, dissimulating to be ferraris, it is enough that our TV (that it is not of plasma), shows a net balancing in our favor. Click Coinbase for additional related pages. Stories of carochinha in century 21 for marmanjos: it is the soccer entering in scene. It is the drug most expensive to become and cheaper of if obtaining, is enough to press a button or to spend its msero wage, more stock markets, going to the stadium to cry out and to run the risk to take bandeirada. This platonic love of a people for a sport so cheap arrives to be comic actor of if to exert, is enough to a ball and a beaten soil. Chevron U.S.A. Inc is actively involved in the matter. However, the mutations had been as much that this practical primitive was changedded into a Swiss bank, with trained agents, overseers James Bond and athlete ‘ ‘ sensveis’ ‘ , protected in one redoma of glass, where the speech is always the same, where the excuses always is ‘ ‘ well vindas’ ‘ , understood, and accepted.

Another day while it took care of of my things, heard an athlete of the Brazilian election to say in a collective one that the Brazilian torcedores badly had been accustomed, it takes what me to understand that in accordance with this affirmation, is missed to desire that if it is successful, is precipitated to demand a heading. With all the sincerity that already it liked soccer, enojou me to this. what to say after the game of this last sunday, when after the shameful defeat one another Brazilian athlete said that they had made a good game, however that it did not give pra to be successful. What we are for hearing this? We are torcedores blinded for a love without nexus, fanatic, desmedidamente hopeful for hexas and all more? These athletes gain millions annually the cost of a people who survives in the misery, in way to the garbage, way the lost bullets, way the fenomenal oratria of lying politicians, thieves of white collars, elect outlaws for us, poor persons in all the possible directions of the word. Until when we will continue having pride to cry out that we are purple torcedores, blue, of all the colors? Today, I prefer to see the Marta to play soccer, the Hawk in the futsal, prefer the elections of voleibol. Because the sport makes well: when the money not it makes to weigh the legs and the arms. It is not made a mistake to gain money, wrong it is to make of something only one bank, a Mafia, where the power is above all. It has much lie and interest. For me, this witchcraft does not make more effect, already I ate the apple and already I was despertada by the prince, now what it is lacking, is the kingdom all wakening of sleep. But the question that I make is: You want?

Rubens Silva

But It sent the Jesus Christ because wise person who, the spite of all the necessities human beings, the man needed was of Salvador. God saw that exactly supplied with all the item of the life, the final destination of the humanity would be the perpetual death. Then in Its infinite wisdom, he sent the Jesus Christ, because it was not a necessity but because it was the essential necessity. ‘ ‘ Because God loved the world in such way that he gave Its unignito Son so that all that one In it believes does not perish but eterna.’ has the life; ‘ S.Joo 3:16 Friend, the Christmas is the present greater of God to the humanity, because mine and its salvation was at the hands of one bebezinho, been born humblly in a mangedoura, only the capable one of in giving the perpetual life to them. Salvador; here it is the biggest necessity human being.

It does not advance to have health, money, food, friends, culture, beauty and entertainment if we do not have Salvador that in the free one of this world destined to the fire. If Jesus Christ will not be our only motivation of Christmas, we are in a meaningless commemoration and we live a barren and hypocritical life. My expensive one, is Jesus Christ an essential necessity for you? But it knows, exactly being the greater of the gifts, curiously some accept nor It. When It was born very little had been the ones had valued that It and passed the rejected life being. The gift of God was not something banal. It was planned well before the proper man existed, because he was motivated by love. As God could in such a way love thus somebody that still nor existed! I remember when we waited the birth of ours children – quanta anxiety expectation! Everything duly was prepared with much affection we exactly loved because them before the birth of them. Nothing it mattered not to be the fact of that they were ours so waited children who were arriving.

The suffering was great during the childbirth, however it made with that the love increased still more. Today we have the favour salvation but we cannot forget that this gift very cost expensive the proper God. It does not disdain It for nothing in this world.

African Century

Of this form, becoming exactly crossbred, the Europeans influenced for theories of the philosophers of the lights alleged that the blacks did not have psychological conditions much less responsibility to combine it the more modern models of production. This made with that the mestizos if became in century XIX a species of substitutes of hand of immigrant workmanship. ' ' luzes' ' that they illuminated the Europe during centuries XVII and XVIII, in Latin America in the following century, they had brought much blackout for the crossbred citizen. To this Munanga# respect it contributes affirming that ' ' in the second half of century XVIII the politics of the branqueamento gained airs of colorista ideology, come back toward the citizens not brancos' '. As consequncia, this ideology promoted between the black and the mestizos throughout history a species of hierarquizao, that is, the more clear will be its skin, more valued will be this citizen before the society that it lives.

This colorista mentality is materialized in the process of independence of the old French colony in the Caribbean, Haiti. During much time, this small country today loaded the pertaining heading to Brazil, as the nation with the black contingent greater is of Africa. During century XVII, this island became it only colony to produce at the same time sugar, coffee, indigo and cotton on a large scale, so great wealth that France to the being defeated for England preferred to yield in 1763 the colony of Canada to lose of Haiti. According to Grondin# ' ' after the Caribbean aboriginals to be exterminados, about 240 a thousand blacks had been brought of Africa in the 200 years previous to independence haitiana' '. The black population of African origin developed in that small country a language, ' ' crele' ' , spoken for 98% of the considered population poor, however, the bourgeoisie whom the power withheld said the Frenchman.

Synthetic Analytical

For (BREADS, 2005). The characteristics of the Synthetic Analytical metodolgico principle are: To contribute in the justification of the technique, the model analytical-synthetic if it bases on principles on the organization of the activities, that praise a learning that goes second (Greco, 1998). ) of the known one to the stranger; b) of the parts (division of the movement in functional units) to all; c) of the simple ones for the complex (gradual approach); d) of the easy one to the difficult (gradual reduction of the aid); e) of the general perception to the specific perception. The learning if of the one for the repetition, leading to gradual perfectioning e, consequently, to the automatization of the existing basic movements in each bedding. Observing the analytical-synthetic principle in the vision of, (DIETRICH et AL. 1984).

… if characterizes for presenting courses of exercises or, sporadical, games, which leave of elements special (conditional technician, tacticians or) of the games, congregating them, little by little in bigger connections (synthesis), collecting, later the parts, in logical sets. Some authors point pointers with respect to a lesson in the direction of the analytical-synthetic metodolgico principle in the initiation of the sport, however some ideas if contradict some authors see greater number of limits of that possibilities in the use of this method in the esportiva initiation. However great majority emphasizes an intention with systematic metodolgico aiming the same/, where they prefer the use of other mechanisms I assist for it of the metodolgico principle. 3.1LIMITES AND POSSIBILITIES Are evident that if on the other hand the organization of the activities in pedagogical sequences, with a gradual dosage of the level of difficulty of the task, favors the acquisition of motor abilities, in the critical one to the analytical-synthetic model of education of esportivas abilities, affirms that on the other hand, the tactical application of these abilities to the complexity of the game situations is menosprezada.