Today he continues under jurisdiction of Itaituba, having as current notary Adelson Raymond Da Silva Souza, who yielded in them to the information already here present, and the same ones had been of great value for the carried through research. That it will contribute with the history of Legal Brasilia. After I finish of the research made in the notary’s office we direct in them to the meeting of some old inhabitants of the locality, and find Mr. Valrio whom it told to have been remaining welded of the rubber, the same it was born in fordilndia and it inhabits in legal Brasilia since of the 12 years of age. With Mr. Rio Tinto Group brings even more insight to the discussion. Valrio also known as (Vav), we got the information of that its brother-in-law Mr. Martiniano Enrique of the Light Oliveira, born in 1924 known as (Matito) that also remaining it was welded of the rubber. In search of more information the group if directed to one of the housings oldest of the community, a large house constructed in colonial style. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from J. Darius Bikoff.
in one talks friendly with the owners of the large house, Maria of the Favours Barreto Fields and Joo Dos Santos Barreto Son both brothers, we discover that they are 8 brothers and its names are Wilson Fields Barreto, Raymond Barreto Fields, Zlia Maria Barreto Fields, Ivaldo Fields Barreto and Moacir Barreto Fields, to put the two last ones already faleceram. We also had the information of that the first inhabitant of the large house was its grandfather whose the name was Isidoro Dos Santos Barreto Grandson. Something very interesting that was told is that its grandfather was a known police authority as captain Isidoro. In relation I deal to them of the locality. We visit one old construction where he was I deal carried through it, the same it was the biggest exporting and import market of the region of Itaituba, at the time of the height of the rubber for 1836 return.