The Ballad
How it goes to distinguish and to filter this pile of things? the country ' is this; ' filtro' ' , to take off what it is good of all, or then to transform what it can be bad in a to be prevented example. Is not easy such task, but who said that to educate it is easy? ' is one; ' processo' ' , it is all hour, all day, all week, the life all. , therefore if you not to gain its son, the world earn, the competitor of the street has an enormous advantage. He sees as well as acts the dealing one when he wants to bride. In everything it reveals conceivable, while a father looks for to say not in whom he is harmful, aliciador always shows permicividade, is yes pra everything, money is easy, easy to earn easy to spend, the sex and drugs can, to walk of car to the all, can yes, crack in the street, this also can. As everything is there, it fits to who to clarify that all this easiness of ' ' to have and of ' ' pleasure fcil' ' it can bring consequence harmful itself and the society? as to live and to coexist everything this, to know ' ' ter' ' , looking ' ' ser' ' . ' ' Ter' ' , to usufruct of everything this of comprehensive form, measured and not desmedida, to get with the proper efforts being valued the conquest, to know the material, social and economic value, exactly when a cellular one is gained for example. ' ' Ser' ' correct in the use and the right to use, to observe the value of the things. At last, instead of if saying, in my time it was not thus, it had? if to say, looks at goes to have ' ' things, we go to live ' ' coisas' ' , knowing to use, making the call ' ' good uso' '. The cellular one, knowing to use is a good ally, the computer is an excellent educative tool, when used well, the ballad, the party, everything if can, when, we educate in them to have and to use the things, in case that contrary we become in them vitiated and victims of the proper vice, consequently we pay ' ' caro' ' , we, the family, the society and the world where we live.