The Good

But you own a good product, but you offer something novel, innovating, fresh to the eyes of the consumers, possibly do not prosper. Yield: To count on an excellent work party, enabled and motivated by your ideas. ” A profitable commercial business ” Action 2 In this stage the income are generated and the yield takes advantage that you constructed in Action 1. In this step 3 areas exist that you must be useful to the maximum: systems and strategies to generate, conversions of sales, number of transactions. If you want that it grows beyond a small company you must assume this action of consistent way. ” A profitable commercial business that works ” Action 3 is Here where you must design the systems. To document your processes, to train to your equipment it implements so that them. In this stage, everything will depend on a solid base, an excellent system and by all means from a great equipment you will obtain a business that if it works.

” A profitable commercial business that works without m.” Action 4 So that the company works without you you need a great equipment and a leader who is to the front of your company. On a solid base everything will march without slips. Apparently the one is much work that you must realise. You do not forget that to be owner of business it is a great challenge, that you surpass if it, will fill to you of rewards. It looks for the growth and the good results, the opportunity of convertirte in a true owner of business implementing your ideas and enabling to others they develop so that them.