The Skinner IF effected the automation of experiment CRF and constitudo for a modular system that allows the addition of new experimentosrealizados by the pupils of Psychology. This system analyzes the dadosresultantes of the action of the rat 2, interprets eclassifica the behavior of the animal, as she was a specialist (COSTANETO; HARE, 2004). The Ratoware V2 uses communication protocols euma architecture that possesss as component a computer to manage effected osexperimentos, a microcontroller, responsible for the module queencaminha the data, and the circuit multiplexer of words implemented naplaca Altera (IT MODIFIES, 1995), that it allows to use 16 boxes of Skinner (I CASTRATE; S, 2004). These works had been tested separately, simulating the box to deSkinner, and the fact not to be linked between itself and to the box impossibilitaque is used by the laboratory of Psychology. Inside of this context, this work has the objective to depossibilitar the automation of the experiments of decobaias analysis of the behavior in the laboratory of Psychology, using as base, arquiteturaproposta for the Ratoware V2 and to make possible that the Skinner IF can serutilizado as management software. So that this is possible, preciso to implement the module emulated for the plate Modifies and to create the circuitoresponsvel for the digital-analogical and analogous-digital conversion to connect ascaixas of Skinner to the guiding circuit, in order to allow acomunicao between them.
The posterior chapters discourse on the solution proposal, presenting initially important definitions for its understanding, as: the functioning of the bird cage of Skinner, the form as the analysis of the dadosadquiridos ones for the behaviors of the guineapigs in the bird cage is made, beyond the way deutilizao of this for the learning. The studies trabalhosSkinner on them IF, Ratoware V2, beyond the components and technologies are shown necessrias integration. Later they are explanadas the implantation of arquiteturaproposta, the improvements effected, as well as the delimitation of target, the gotten eresultados tests. Finishing, the conclusions on estetrabalho of course end are presented, where suggestions of future works are shown to the benefits of its utilizaoe. It lowers the complete article to continue reading.